Exciting NEWS Coming Soon a Thrift/Bazaar Store!!

Acapulco Angels - Ejercito de Salvacion Bazaar

We are proud to announce that Acapulco Angels - Ejercito de Salvacion Bazaar will be coming soon. We are looking for a location in the Zocalo area of Downtown Acapulco in Colonio Centro. The Bazaar will offer second-hand clothing, shoes, jewelry and other items.

The Acapulco Angels - Ejercito de Salvacion Bazaar will be open Friday & Saturday 10am-5pn to start. We will expand our operating hours as we grow. We will use the proceeds to donate to The Salvation Army Acapulco Children's Home. It will also be a learning experience for the older children to gain life skills about starting and operating a small business. They willl learn product receiving, inventory, merchandising, sales and customer service. These are important life kills to prepare the children for their future.

You can donate items to be sold and bring them   with you on your next trip to Acapulco. We will also     be selling some exciting specialty art and other   items. The space is being donated and the   operational expenses will be minimal so that all of   the proceeds can be donated to The Salvation Army   Acapulco Children's Home.
You may also help out by volunteering your time to staff the store and solicit items to be sold in the store. If you can donate some time to make this project a success please contact us via email at volunteer@acaangels.org or call us (512) 400-3262 USA or (744) 409-5611 MX.

We will follow up once we have a firm opening date, but we are very excited for this new project and the chance to help educate and raise funds for the children.

Deja un comentario

Acapulco Angels is a US 501(c)3 Nonprofit Charity and Acapulco Angels A.C. is a Mexican Associacion Civil USA IRS # 83-4211069 Mexico RFC # AAN200107TB6
All donations are tax deductible in the USA to the fullest extent of the law and eligible to receive a SAT Factura in Mexico.
Please see your tax adviser for your personal tax situation
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