Our founders Al and Ray Lawrence's daughter Lucille Weiss recently passed away. Lucille lived her truth supporting education and love for the children of the Salvation Army Acapulco Children's Home. She and her family are in our thoughts during this time. They have generously supported the home that Lucille's parents founded here in Acapulco in the 60's.
Lucille and Jody Gardner, our Secretary/Treasurer at Acapulco Angels worked on creating a library for the children at the home. Through their efforts, hard work and generous donations from our supporters, the library opened in 2008.
Although the Library was very successful for many years, other thoughts prevailed and a few years ago the Library room was repurposed with some sport equipment and storage. Fortunately we now have other areas for sport equipment and do not need that space for storage.
We on the Board feel the reestablishment of the Children’s Library with an added Art Center can now be reestablished, and again contribute to opening the children’s eyes to the world of possibilities available to them, as it certainly has in the past! We are all very excited about reestablishing the Library this coming season which will now be named,
We look forward to providing the reading and arts experience for the current and future children at The Salvation Army Acapulco Children's Home. Ed and Vicky Carlson have generously made the first donation to rebuild the library in Lucille's honor.
Please click the image below or this link if you would like to donate online.
If you prefer you may mail a check to the below address as well. Please make your check payable to
Ejército de Salvación Acapulco
and mail it to
Ejército de Salvación Acapulco
2885 Sanford Ave, SW STE 18047
Grandville, MI 49418