THE Earthquake in September 2021 damaged the main part of the home and the Library is currently being re-purposed. We will update as soon as we have more information.
No more Donations for the library are being accepted at this time. You can see below the funds remaing and what we have already done for the Library.


The above pictures are the start of the project. We have a large room for the Library and we will utilize the items we can and remove those that are no longer usable. It was recommended by the Lieutenants to start with fresh white paint because the wall paintings were deteriorating and made the room look dark. We agreed that to have a series of inspirational, creative and teaching posters, and a notice board on the walls would be more useful and also decorative. We have purchased the white paint and the pictures below are of the progress as of Thanksgiving 2020. The children and Lieutenants are excited about the project and have started cleaning and painting the Library already! Soft colored floor squares for about 1/4 of the room are also on site, but won’t be put down until we have more of the library fittings installed for the library’s use.

 We will update with pictures as we move forward.  The children are hoping to continue hrlping to create the Lucille Weiss Children’s Library and Art Center project as funding arrives.


The electrical in the Library had to be repaired. We replaced the wiring, changed out 4 new ceiling fans and mounted the new TV bracket. We have 2 new TV's to be installed. We are awaiting the repair of some water pipes on the roof before moving forward with tje next steps of the bookcases and adding some new books!
Acapulco Angels dba/Salvation Army Acapulco is a US 501(c)3 Nonprofit Charity and Acapulco Angels A.C. is a Mexican Associacion Civil
USA IRS # 83-4211069 Mexico RFC # AAN200107TB6
All donations are tax deductible in the USA to the fullest extent of the law and eligible to receive a SAT Factura in Mexico.
Please see your tax adviser for your personal tax situation
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